
2023 Engage Conference

Transport to Downtown Denver

Take the free train from the airport to Union Station. There is a free bus that lets you off blocks within the convention center. Should be 50 minutes one way.

From Union Station, catch the Malls Street Bus on 16th St and take it down to Welton St. Walk two blocks towards 14th St. You will see your hotel in in this area.

Plan your week well. Remember to get some exercise and plenty of sleep. If your are coming in early or staying an extra day, check out some activities to do in your down time.

Colorado Convention Center

Upon arrival, head over to the Colorado convention Center, our home away from home, to get registered before the session.

Wednesday, August 9

12:30PM Check in and registration.

Do not forget this step. Maybe not so much the coffee, but notice the LANYARDS. You will receive these at check-in. You will not be able to get in the convention without it. Wear it in the shower if you have to. Your last chance to check in will be on Thursday morning.

Wednesday, August 9

3:00 PM Symmetry Social

4:00 PM Corporate Overview

This would be a great time to get a lay of the land and meet some leaders and agents. Get an in person sense of the company you work for. Get to the carrier tables if possible. They have lots of freebies where you can get lots of pens and notebooks.

Wednesday: 7:30PM - Fine Agency Team Dinner

Right across the convention center lies the Stout Street Social on you guessed it, Stout Street. We will meet at the Blue Bear in front of the convention center before going over. Here is the menu, so you can plan your meal.

Thursday, August 10

8:00 AM Agency Meeting

10:00 AM Todd Talks

1:00 PM - 7:00 PM General Session in the Bellco Theater

Check Discord Conference thread to see where the seats are. Dress comfortably, bring something to take notes, bring a jacket, bring snacks.

Thursday, August 10

Night Owl

7:00 PM - 9:00PM

This party is hosted by Kevin Purdy. A great opportunity to meet all the people at the top of the leader boards. This includes a delicious buffet and comes with 2 drink tickets so mind your manners. Don’t rush off and miss the leaders to take the stage.

Friday, August 11

8:00 AM - 12:00PM General Session

Check Discord Conference thread to see where the seats are. Dress comfortably, bring something to take notes, bring a jacket, bring snacks.

Friday, August 11

2:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Go to your breakout rooms. Make sure you have chosen your breakout rooms. It is good to chose these based on your experience here. Like if you are in your first 90 days, where you want to build your skills, and if you want to build.

Friday, August 11

6:00PM - 10:00PM Block Party at Sculpture Party

The moment we have been waiting for. The big block party. This year will be at Sculpture Park.

Friday, August 11

It was great to finally meet you. We are glad you are part of the team. Take alot of pictures to use on your social media to show that we are THE HOTTEST AGENCY IN SYMMETRY! We will see you next year.