Getting your license.

Step-by-step guide to attaining your life and health insurance license.

To keep you on track, we compiled this guide that will make your onboarding process easy. The following steps are in order and it is important that you keep this page where it is easy for you to refer back to.

Step 1.

Enroll in Xcel. This is the online course that will give you the source material to pass your state exam. As a thank you for joining the Fine Legacy Team, below is a coupon for $150 off the course and directions to get started.

Step 2.

Set your schedule. Learn to control your schedule by watching the video below. Next add our important weekly meetings to your schedule. Lastly, download the 4 Keys to Success.

Step 3.

Stay connected. Stay connected with your team. It is a sign of healthy activity… and we want to support you and celebrate your wins. Download our two channels for our teams.

Step 4.

Take your state exam. Below is a complete guide with links on what to do after you finish your course including applying for your license, getting your fingerprints, and taking the state exam. Be sure to apply for your LIFE and HEALTH license. You will need both throughout your career.

Step 5.

Complete your application. Create your account and log into Quility to complete your application. Save your username and password as you will need them later.

Step 6.

Complete Symmetry onboarding . During your career, you will start your workdays with Quility HQ, Summit, and OPT. First, you will receive your Quility Welcome letter. This will give you access into Quility HQ. You will find your username and temporary password. You will be contracted with the carriers through Sure LC. Create your accounts with these links.

Step 7.

Complete your Switchboard training . Once you receive your license, you will receive your invitation link to Switchboard. Switchboard is our CRM that keeps account of your leads, conversions, and metrics. Schedule your onboarding call once you create an account..